November 12, 2018: After the Harvest

After the harvesting the honey, we took the caps and frames outside so that the bees could forage any leftover honey and take it back to their hive.

Empty Manuka Jar

We let the bees forage empty containers of honey too. When they are done, the containers are no longer sticky and pretty clean.

November 11, 2018: Our first Honey harvest

On Nov 11 2018, we decided to extract some honey. We took 6 of the eight frames leaving two for the bees over the winter months. The hive only had to brood boxes since we replaced the FlowHive frames with foundation frames. This second box only had capped honey when it should have had more brood. We believe this was due to having the plastic FlowHive frames in place a few months back. Our bees provided almost 4 gallons for the harvest.