April 2, 2021

Jillibees Apiary will start selling Nucs soon.  Starting at the end of April, we will have 5 frame Italian honeybee Nucs that will be available for purchase at $150.00 each. We have a limited supply,  so contact Jillibees Apiary at jillibeesapiary@gmail.com or on our website to reserve yours. A $25.00 non-refundable reserve fee and $125.00 at time of pickup is payable through paypal, venmo, zelle or cash. Pick-up will be by appointment only and must provide the registration number from the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services.

March 27, 2021: Adding 3 New Hosts

In our spare time, we built three hive stands for three new hosts for our rescued bees. One in Tangelo Park and two in Pine Castle. A big thank you to our new hosts.

New hosts #1, #2 and #3 got their bees today. We still need another hive for #1. Thank you Chris and Kathleen for hosting our bees.