A beekeeper plays a vital role in sustaining our food supply.
- In 2018, 40% of the beehives in the United States were lost.
- It is predicted that we will lose all our bees within the next ten years.
- The honeybee is responsible for pollinating over a third of our food supply and 90% of wild plants.
- If it wasn’t for the work of beekeepers replacing the beehives that have been lost, we would be without the foods that we rely on.
- We would lose the hay and alfalfa needed to feed the cattle. Without this food source, cattle will dwindle and we will lose the convenience of fast food chains around the world (No bees, no McDonalds).
- Without the bees, there will be global hunger, collapse of the global economy and a total moral crisis on earth.

Here in Florida, the honey bee has nearly gone extinct. Extreme hurricane displacements, pesticides, pests and viruses have caused major problems for our bees. The citrus industry used honeybees to pollinate their groves, which was Florida’s best income for decades. Now many have sold out to developers, for more neighborhoods. The citrus groves used to play such an important role in supplying so much pollen for honey bees and so citrus for our growers. The citrus groves are disappearing and so are the bees.
As Floridian living in Central Florida, we want to help the bees repopulate our beautiful state. Our fauna, agricultural farms and backyard vegetation including vegetables will be harmed forevermore without bees. Bees need us to step up and be their voice. If they disappear, it won’t be long before we will, too. We must save the bee population.

Placing a hive or two in your backyard will not only help the honeybee population, the bees will help your vegetables garden, flowering plants and trees to thrive and produce in more abundance! There’s also the sweet rewards of a honey harvest!