We do have bee nucs for sale and provide beehive services to assist local beekeepers.
Bee Nucs for Sale
We have Nucs for sale for $175.00 Our bees are “home grown” right here in Central Florida. We affectionately call them Florida mutts. Jillibees started with Italians, but cannot control what type of drone will mate with the queens. We ensure they are docile and thriving before we ever sell them to a customer.
Quantities and the time of year can limit availability for our Nucs. However, we can place you on a waiting list until we have more available.
Contact us on our website or call us (407) 459-4497 and let us know if you are interested in being placed on a waiting list.
Monthly Bee Hive Services
Jillibees can provide beehive service for your hives. It is a monthly service and can assist you in setup, splits or routine inspections. The charge is $100.00 for the first hour and $75.00 for each additional hour, thereafter.
Inspections normally take less than an hour and is conducted every two to three weeks. If you need us please call (407) 459-4497.