April 19, 2021: Bee Rescue at Mystic Cove

This trap out is almost complete. The majority of the bees, including the queen, are in the box. There are still many foragers that are coming back to the original entrance and then head to the box with other bees reminding them where they need to go. Note the pollen baskets on the their back legs.

April 15, 2021: New Bee Vac

Just finished building a smaller bee vacuum for our smaller sized bee rescues. I would like to thank “Dennis the Bee Guy” for the cage idea inside a 7 gallon bucket. Home Depot had the Bucket Head” and Homer Bucket which I modified so that the Bucket Head would fit on top. Also using a control valve to reduce suction so bees aren’t plastered to the other side of the screen. We have named it “R2B2”.