When rescuing bees it’s imperative that we get the queen. We have often been asked what the queen looks like. She is larger than a normal bee and has a “fat bottom”. You can see that in the middle of the pic. And it is true: “Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round”. Come on, I know you sang it.
April 8, 2021: Bee Rescue Complete in Holden Heights
Bee rescue in Holden Height was successful and the bees are now safe in Jillibees Apiary. Thanks Josh for helping us save those bees.
April 7, 2021: Bee Rescue in Dixie Belle Complete
The bee rescue from Dixie Belle area was a success and the bees are safely in Jillibees Apiary. Thanks Shewon for helping us save those bees.
April 2, 2021
Jillibees Apiary will start selling Nucs soon. Starting at the end of April, we will have 5 frame Italian honeybee Nucs that will be available for purchase at $150.00 each. We have a limited supply, so contact Jillibees Apiary at jillibeesapiary@gmail.com or on our website to reserve yours. A $25.00 non-refundable reserve fee and $125.00 at time of pickup is payable through paypal, venmo, zelle or cash. Pick-up will be by appointment only and must provide the registration number from the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services.
April 1, 2021: Bee Rescue in Belle Isle
Another trap out set up to rescue bees