October 1, 2020: Bee Rescue at Bryn Mawr

Got a call to go on another bee hunt. Appears to be a small colony just inside an old dryer vent that is closed off and no longer used.

The colony was bigger than we thought. The outside wall was cut out so we could retrieve the comb and vacuum the bees. We then closed off the hole until the contractor can go back and repair it.

Added brood comb from the original colony and placed them on frames. They are now self loading from the bee vac box into their new home.

September 24, 2020: Swarm Capture

We had a small swarm this morning.

We checked the hive where the swarm came from and determined it to be a natural split. The bees were working as normal with a few open and closed queen cells. There was no bug issue. We set up a new hive with combed brood frames and sugar water. The swarm left the tree and is now in the new hive. Jill is the bee whisperer.

September 11, 2020: Bee Rescue

We were contacted last week about a bee rescue around Gatlin and Conway. We checked it out and agreed to rescue them this morning.

Three hours later, we caught the queen (larger bee on the left in the queen catcher). We packed them up and got back to Jillibees Apiary to place them in their new home and released the queen into her new hive.

Bees near Gatlin and Conway loading up into their new home.